Reference Group

Tamerlaine Beasley
Tamerlaine Beasley is a sought after commentator and adviser on cultural intelligence, global collaboration and leveraging diversity in the Asian Century. As founder and Managing Director of Beasley Intercultural, Tamerlaine leads a talented team of specialists in developing Asia capability for clients, and consults at Boardroom, Senior Executive Team and Senior Government levels. Tamerlaine has over twenty five years of Asia-focused experience, speaks fluent Thai and has studied Bahasa Indonesia and Lao.
Specific examples of her work include: advising the CEO and Executive Teams of ASX 200 listed companies; the design and presentation of a framework for the management of international partnerships for APEC; facilitation of regional dialogue and forums for clients including the ABC/BBC, the United Nations, and regional Chambers of Commerce; the design and delivery of global leadership capability building programs in Asia for leading multinational companies; the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific; the International Committee of the Red Cross and Australian Foreign Missions.
Tamerlaine has lectured in Business Communication and Graduate-level ‘Cross Cultural Management’ at the School of International Business at UNSW, and studied Asian studies at the Australian National University (ANU), International Business at Penn State University, and Thai at Silapakorn Universities, Thailand. Tamerlaine is a member of the NSW Government Multicultural Business Advisory Panel, is on the steering committee for the Diversity Council of Australia ‘Cracking the Cultural Ceiling’ Project, was a participant in the international stream of the 2020 summit and has held positions as National President of the Australia Thailand Business Council, on the NSW Asia Business Council and the Australian Mekong Resource Centre Advisory Board at the University of Sydney.

Lindie Clark
Lindie Clark is Academic and Programs Director of the Professional and Community Engagement (PACE) program at Macquarie University, a program that builds experiential, community-engaged learning into all undergraduate degrees. In the mid-1990s, Lindie was awarded a Harkness Fellowship in Health Policy, which enabled her to complete a Master of Public Administration at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. In 2008 Lindie and two of her colleagues were awarded an Australian Learning and Teaching Council Citation for ‘Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning’.
Prior to joining Macquarie University Lindie worked in a range of regulatory agencies in the health, employment and industrial relations fields. Lindie is also a Trustee of the Dusseldorp Skills Forum, a not-for-profit organisation that works within the broader community to enhance the opportunities for education, skills and employment for all young people, particularly those who don’t succeed in the ‘mainstream’. Seeing students realise the valuable contribution they can make to their community, and recognise the amount they learn through the act of participation, is one of the most rewarding Learning and Teaching experiences Lindie has had in her career.

Ian Cunningham
Ian Cunningham is an Environmental and Humanitarian Engineer who has transitioned from work in engineering consulting to the community and development sector. He has managed and delivered a range of thematic partnerships and projects with a poverty alleviation focus primarily with an international focus.
In his recent role as International Program Coordinator at Engineers Without Borders, Ian worked at the nexus of engineering, appropriate technology and community development to help organisations and communities achieve their self-identified aspirations. In particular his speciality is in partnerships and capacity development in the WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) sector; however, as he writes, ‘my project and program experience was across a variety of disciplines, often with appropriate technology, training and behaviour change at its heart.’ Ian has also been involved in connecting Australian universities and corporations to participate in social change that address disadvantage, including at Macquarie University through the PACE program.

Tonia Gray
Tonia is an Associate Professor in the Centre for Educational Research (CER) and a Specialist in Pedagogy and Learning at University of Western Sydney. In her role as Senior Researcher in CER, Tonia is the Sustainability theme leader. In 2009 Tonia received an ALTC Citation for scholarly activity in outdoor education and building an internationally recognized program. With a wealth of experience in teacher training, curriculum design, implementation and evaluation spanning over 24 years, in 2010-2012 she was awarded an ALTC grant for curriculum design and research specifically to introduce reflective and experience-based learning to international education within university settings. In collaboration with Greg Downey and Jan Gothard, she co-produced the ‘Bringing the Learning Home’ curriculum, an open access model curriculum for better integrating study abroad experience into enhanced curriculum at students’ home universities.
Tonia’s long-term involvement with international exchange students as the Resident Director for the Council of Educational Exchange (CIEE) from 2000-2014 has galvanized her links with intercultural education. Together with Dr. Tim Hall, Tonia heads the OLT-funded project, Enhancing Programmes Integrating Tertiary Outbound Mobility Experiences (EPITOME), a project with strong links to Classroom of Many Cultures.

Tim Hall
Having completed his PhD in 2013, Tim is an early career researcher and Academic Course Advisor within the School of Business at the University of Western Sydney. His research interest in outbound mobility experiences have seen Tim participate in outbound mobility programs at UWS since 2010, with responsibility for itinerary development and as a tour leader. Tim has received government funding to subsidies outbound mobility programs on three occasions: 2011, 2013 and 2015 -$33,000 New Colombo Plan. Tim has also played an advisory role in assisting successful outbound mobility funding applications for Operations and Supply Chain Management programs at UWS.
Tim’s interest in outbound mobility extends to his involvement and leadership in curriculum design within Hospitality Management and Sport Management programs in which Tim has successful designed and implemented assessment and learning outcomes specific to outbound mobility. Tim has combined his other research interest of Experience Economy theory to inform his involvement with the outbound mobility by focusing on the staging of outbound mobility programs to develop positive transformational outbound mobility experiences. Together with Assoc. Prof. Tonia Gray, Tim heads the OLT-funded project, Enhancing Programmes Integrating Tertiary Outbound Mobility Experiences (EPITOME), a project with strong links to Classroom of Many Cultures.

Hilary E. Kahn
Hilary E. Kahn is currently the Associate Director of the Center for the Study of Global Change at IU-Bloomington (a Title VI National Resource Center). She is also the Director of the Graduate Minor in Global Studies at IUB, the Director of Voices and Visions: Islam and Muslims in a Global Perspective (a public scholarship initiative supported by the Social Science Research Council), Director of Framing the Global Project (a research and publication initiative supported by the Mellon Foundation), and faculty in Anthropology and International Studies.
Prof. Kahn leads communities of practice and professional development workshops for staff and faculty of Bloomington and the entire IU system on curriculum and campus internationalization. Before coming to the Global Center, she was the Director of Curriculum Internationalization at IUPUI. She regularly teaches within the IU Global Studies Program and the International Studies Department and she runs a summer service-learning program in Jamaica. She has taught semester-long Global Dialogues courses through interactive video technology with Macedonia, Indonesia, and Russia. Her areas of interest and expertise include international education, intercultural teaching and learning, visual anthropology, visual pedagogies, human rights and the arts, and global research. In 2009, she received the IU Commission of Multicultural Understanding Faculty Award for promoting multicultural understanding and the IU International Studies Excellence in Teaching Award. She is also the leader of the Internationalization of Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum Network for NAFSA: Association of International Educators.

John Saltmarsh
John is the Co-Director of the New England Resource Center for Higher Education (NERCHE) at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, as well as a faculty member in the Higher Education Administration Doctoral Program in the Department of Leadership in Education in the College of Education and Human Development. He leads the project in which NERCHE serves as the administrative partner with the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching for Carnegie’s elective Community Engagement Classification.
John is the author, most recently, of an edited volume, “To Serve a Larger Purpose:” Engagement for Democracy and the Transformation of Higher Education (2011) and a book with Edward Zlotkowski, Higher Education and Democracy: Essays on Service-Learning and Civic Engagement (2011). He is also the author of numerous book chapters and articles on civic engagement, service-learning, and experiential education, and the co-author of the Democratic Engagement White Paper (NERCHE, 2009). He is an associate editor for the Michigan Journal of Community Service-Learning, and on the editorial board of the Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement. He serves on the National Advisory Board of Imagining America, a member of Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU) Coordinating Committee Members of the Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement Action Network and has served as past chair and member of the board of the International Association for Research on Service Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE), as an ex-officio member of the Board of The Democracy Imperative, and on AACU’s board of the Core Commitments Project. He is a member of the National Review Board for the Scholarship of Engagement, From 1998 through 2005, he directed the national Project on Integrating Service with Academic Study at Campus Compact. For more information, go to

Rachel Tomas Morgan
Rachel Tomas Morgan is the associate director for International Engagement at the Center for Social Concerns of the University of Notre Dame. Tomas Morgan designed, implemented, and directs the International Summer Service Learning Program and works with other Center colleagues on community based learning abroad and short term international seminars. She also works with faculty across the University interested in developing courses that include an international experiential or community based learning component and consults on international related initiatives across the University. She serves on the working group for international volunteerism with the Brookings Institute and serves on the boards of the U.S. Catholic Mission Association, the Congregation of Holy Cross Mission Center, and the Near West Side Neighborhood Organization of South Bend.
Rachel received her M.A. in the area of systematic theology from the University of Notre Dame and her Bachelors degree in religious studies and psychology from Saint Mary’s College. She has previously worked in the fields of international development and natural disaster assistance, secondary education and religious studies, and faith-based social outreach.

Karla Wesley
Karla Wesley is Regional Manager, Africa and Middle East, at Australian Volunteers International, and co-manages AVI’s delivery of the Australian Volunteers for International Development Program as well as providing strategic leadership and operational oversight of AVI’s activities in Africa and the Middle East. These programs promote sustainable livelihoods and improved health, governance and education outcomes for vulnerable communities across eleven countries. Karla developed AVI’s first Australian Government funded Indigenous International Volunteer program in partnership with the Classic Wallabies Exchange and the Eidos Institute.
Karla is a sitting member of Classic Wallabies Exchange Steering Committee and represents AVI on the ACFID Africa Working Group as well as to Australian and foreign governments. She provided project oversight to AVI’s participation in the Australia Africa Community Engagment Scheme from 2011-2014, promoting improved maternal child health for pastoral women in Sub-Saharan Africa. Karla was awarded the U.S. President’s Volunteer Service Award for international volunteer service in 2007 by the U.S. President’s Council on Service and Civic Engagement.

Sherman Young
Sherman Young is Macquarie’s Pro Vice Chancellor for Learning and Teaching. He joined Macquarie in 2001 as a lecturer in the Department of Media. He was both Deputy Head and Head of that Department, where he taught and researched in the area of new media theory and production. He is the author of The book is dead, long live the book (2007), co-author of Media Convergence (2012) and Beyond 2.0 – the Future of Music (2014) – all of which analyse the impact of new media technologies. From 2008 until his appointment as Pro Vice-Chancellor, Sherman was the Associate Dean of Learning and Teaching in the Faculty of Arts. Sherman has a BSc in Design (UNSW), an MA in Media, Technology and Law (Macquarie) and a PhD in Media and Cultural Studies (UQ). Prior to becoming an academic, Sherman ran a multimedia production company building interactive media for a range of corporate and publishing clients.