Sherman Young

Sherman Young is Macquarie’s Pro Vice Chancellor for Learning and Teaching. He joined Macquarie in 2001 as a lecturer in the Department of Media. He was both Deputy Head and Head of that Department, where he taught and researched in the area of new media theory and production. He is the author of The book is dead, long live the book (2007), co-author of Media Convergence (2012) and Beyond 2.0 – the Future of Music (2014) – all of which analyse the impact of new media technologies. From 2008 until his appointment as Pro Vice-Chancellor, Sherman was the Associate Dean of Learning and Teaching in the Faculty of Arts. Sherman has a BSc in Design (UNSW), an MA in Media, Technology and Law (Macquarie) and a PhD in Media and Cultural Studies (UQ). Prior to becoming an academic, Sherman ran a multimedia production company building interactive media for a range of corporate and publishing clients.