Rachel Tomas Morgan is the associate director for International Engagement at the Center for Social Concerns of the University of Notre Dame. Tomas Morgan designed, implemented, and directs the International Summer Service Learning Program and works with other Center colleagues on community based learning abroad and short term international seminars. She also works with faculty across the University interested in developing courses that include an international experiential or community based learning component and consults on international related initiatives across the University. She serves on the working group for international volunteerism with the Brookings Institute and serves on the boards of the U.S. Catholic Mission Association, the Congregation of Holy Cross Mission Center, and the Near West Side Neighborhood Organization of South Bend.
Rachel received her M.A. in the area of systematic theology from the University of Notre Dame and her Bachelors degree in religious studies and psychology from Saint Mary’s College. She has previously worked in the fields of international development and natural disaster assistance, secondary education and religious studies, and faith-based social outreach.