Karla Wesley is Regional Manager, Africa and Middle East, at Australian Volunteers International, and co-manages AVI’s delivery of the Australian Volunteers for International Development Program as well as providing strategic leadership and operational oversight of AVI’s activities in Africa and the Middle East. These programs promote sustainable livelihoods and improved health, governance and education outcomes for vulnerable communities across eleven countries. Karla developed AVI’s first Australian Government funded Indigenous International Volunteer program in partnership with the Classic Wallabies Exchange and the Eidos Institute.
Karla is a sitting member of Classic Wallabies Exchange Steering Committee and represents AVI on the ACFID Africa Working Group as well as to Australian and foreign governments. She provided project oversight to AVI’s participation in the Australia Africa Community Engagment Scheme from 2011-2014, promoting improved maternal child health for pastoral women in Sub-Saharan Africa. Karla was awarded the U.S. President’s Volunteer Service Award for international volunteer service in 2007 by the U.S. President’s Council on Service and Civic Engagement.