Kate is a development geographer and senior Academic Developer for Professional and Community Engagement (PACE) at Macquarie University. Through her role she has contributed to the PACE objective of enhancing community-university relations through transformative learning and teaching, research and community service and engagement.
Kate’s work focuses on a number of projects which take an applied, action-oriented and collaborative approach to research characterised by community partnerships, co-creation of knowledge and an ethics of reciprocity. Through an innovative academic-Indigenous research collaboration she holds an ARC Discovery grant (2014-2016) titled ‘Closing other gaps: Yolngu perspectives on and proposals for two-ways learning to improve intercultural communication and policy.” This work focuses on communicating cross-cultural knowledge to non-Indigenous people and is underpinned by her contributions to a long-term innovative academic-Indigenous research collaboration.
Kate is also passionate about innovative teaching, curriculum development and course design in the area of experiential and work integrated learning. She has developed innovative content to unit material by reintroducing field work to the geography department, developing on-line role plays, running international fieldschools, and co-creating curriculum with international community partners. Kate is currently the unit convenor for PACE360: Ways of seeing, thinking and doing PACE internationally. She has also had experience in curriculum development, specifically focusing on ethical and reflective practice and innovative modes of delivery, and is part of a multi-disciplinary team awarded an Office of Learning and Teaching grant on co-creating curriculum with our PACE international partners in Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines, India, Fiji, Indonesia and Peru.
Awards and accomplishments: 2012 B/HERT award for community partnerships, the 2011 MQ excellence in external partnerships award. Co-authored book (Burarrwanga et al. 2013) received honours in the Eve Ponwell Australian Book Council Award.