WSD Handa Centre

The WSD Handa Centre began in 2006 as as a collaboration between the East-West Center (EWC) and Berkeley War Crimes Studies Center (WCSC).  In 2013, the WCSC moved to Stanford University and adopted a new name: the WSD Handa Center for Human Rights and International Justice (Handa Center).  AIJI combines the Asia-Pacific regional expertise of the EWC and the transitional justice research and human rights training capabilities of the Handa Center. AIJI was formed in recognition of the joint aim of the parties to foster initiatives in the Asia-Pacific (or for Asia-Pacific partners) that promote standards of excellence in international justice and human rights as it is practiced throughout the region. Under the AIJI umbrella, the Handa Center and EWC work in close partnership with regional and country-specific institutions to implement programs that generally promote human rights education, understanding and awareness of internationally recognized fair trial standards, and requirements for the accountability and the rule of law, especially in international criminal trials and human rights proceedings in national courts. All projects are directed by Professor David Cohen, a leading expert in international humanitarian law and international criminal law.

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