Partner Organisations

Legal Aid of Cambodia (LAC)
Legal Aid of Cambodia (LAC) is a non-profit, Khmer-administered, non-government organization that is dedicated to providing legal aid services to the underprivileged, advocating for their human rights and providing legal services.
LAC envisions a just and fair Cambodian society, where everyone enjoys equal rights before the law. In order to ensure such a society, LAC provides quality legal aid, educates the public on their legal and human rights, advocates for poor Cambodians, and advances meaningful legal and judicial reforms.
Their main programs focus on:
- General Legal Aid
- Child Justice
- Land Law
- Women’s Justice

Bahay Tuluyan
Bahay Tuluyan is a children’s rights organization in the Philippines working to prevent and respond to the abuse and exploitation of children through the delivery of child-centered programs and services at the grassroots level and dynamic collaboration with local and international partners for social development and change.
You can learn more about Bahay Tuluyan at their website here.
They also have a special website Bahay Tuluyan in Australia.


WSD Handa Centre
The WSD Handa Centre began in 2006 as as a collaboration between the East-West Center (EWC) and Berkeley War Crimes Studies Center (WCSC). In 2013, the WCSC moved to Stanford University and adopted a new name: the WSD Handa Center for Human Rights and International Justice (Handa Center). AIJI combines the Asia-Pacific regional expertise of the EWC and the transitional justice research and human rights training capabilities of the Handa Center. AIJI was formed in recognition of the joint aim of the parties to foster initiatives in the Asia-Pacific (or for Asia-Pacific partners) that promote standards of excellence in international justice and human rights as it is practiced throughout the region. Under the AIJI umbrella, the Handa Center and EWC work in close partnership with regional and country-specific institutions to implement programs that generally promote human rights education, understanding and awareness of internationally recognized fair trial standards, and requirements for the accountability and the rule of law, especially in international criminal trials and human rights proceedings in national courts. All projects are directed by Professor David Cohen, a leading expert in international humanitarian law and international criminal law.

Arbitration Council Foundation (ACF)

The Arbitration Council Foundation (‘Foundation’) is a Cambodian organization, registered with the Ministry of Interior in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Royal Government of Cambodia, and established to support the work and activities of the Arbitration Council (‘Council’) and other related matters in the field of industrial relations and labour dispute resolution. The Council is a national state institution established according to Cambodian statute with legal and equitable decision-making authority with regard to labour dispute cases.The Foundation is a private, neutral, non-profit organization, which does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, or political affiliation, and is a non-political organization not serving as a political instrument including not providing material, financial or human resources to support any political party, or individuals or supporters of those parties.The main objectives of the Foundation are to support and facilitate the work and activities of the Council; to enhance the independence, reliability and efficiency of the Council’s work; and to develop individuals and institutions to resolve labour disputes.
The Foundation and the Council have the track record and reputation among stakeholders for delivering effective services to the industrial relations community. These services include not only arbitrating labour dispute cases – the core dispute resolution service of the Council – but also activities like stakeholder outreach, training and partnership building particularly in alternative dispute resolution and processes, as well as collecting, analyzing and disseminating vital industrial relations information to facilitate discourse on labour issues of common interest. The Foundation has experience and demonstrated capacity in promoting good governance, rule-of-law and social dialogue in all three levels of Cambodian industrial relations – workplace, dispute resolution process and sectorial.
The affiliated institutional relationship of the Arbitration Council Foundation and the Arbitration Council creates a unique opportunity and environment to establish and underpin sound bridges between government and civil society.
The Council itself was established to pursue a strong, effective and fair system of industrial relations (‘IR’) for the economic and social development of Cambodia. The Arbitration Council’s purpose is the fair, independent, efficient and trustworthy provision of a free dispute resolution for collective labour disputes in Cambodia.
The ‘tripartite stakeholders’ – workers, employers and government – are also integrated into the institutional governance framework of the Foundation and Council, via the Stakeholder Advisory Group, a formal consultation vehicle comprised of representatives from trade unions, employers’ associations and government. Serving as a locus of IR activity in Cambodia, the Foundation also coordinates with other IR actors and partners, such as the International Labour Organization and other international and local entities.


Restless Development


Peru’s Challenge
The Peru’s Challenge Program is dedicated to developing sustainable schools and communities in impoverished mountain villages surrounding Cuzco, Peru.
Peru’s Challenge focuses the work it does through the schools of the local communities and from them, out into the wider community. So far the organisation has assisted over 2000 children in five communities by building four complete schools; connecting more than 200 houses to safe drinking water; and installing more than 300 toilets, showers and chimneys. They also provide volunteer teachers and resources to build the schools’ capacity to the point where the Department of Education will take over the funding and operations of the schools, enabling Peru’s Challenge to assist other communities.
We work in long term partnerships with local communities to empower the poorest and most vulnerable rural populations.
This is achieved through a series of development projects and social and educational programs, with the invaluable help of our volunteers.

Deaf Development Programme (DDP)
The Deaf Development Programme (DDP) is a project of Maryknoll Cambodia, a US-based Catholic Mission organization serving the poor in 35 countries worldwide. At DDP, we are dedicated to: 1) working alongside deaf people and their families to assist them to integrate into society; and, 2) achieving independence and equality for the 51,000 plus deaf people in Cambodia.
We work to remove the barriers preventing deaf people in Cambodia from achieving equality by providing Cambodian Sign Language research and development, education and job training courses, community development activities, Cambodian Sign Language interpreting services and social services.

University of South Pacific
The University of the South Pacific (USP) is an intergovernmental organisation and public research university with a number of locations spread throughout a dozen countries in Oceania. It is an international centre for teaching and research on Pacific culture and environment, with its academic programs recognised worldwide.