How to make toast
As part of our co-creation process, the Sydney based team met last month to trial a method called ‘how to make toast’. I had learnt this at a previous workshop I did with Emma Tomkinson on Social Impact Measurement.
These were the steps we followed:
- Use the yellow post on your table to draw on
- Draw how to make toast
- No words allowed
- Do this individually
(spend around 2 min)
- Now remake a group version
- No speaking
- (5 mins)
Here is our collective effort to document the process of making toast!
What the group draws out from this are the different things and processes that are part of any activity, such as making toast. To understand this a bit better it might be useful to look at Tom Wujec’s TED talk as he explains it really well.

We used this technique for our Sydney based co-creation workshop to document where we are at with our co-creation process – as outlined in the next story!